Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Take One: Best of 2013

Take One: Best of 2013

Who doesn't love watching movies? Whether it's going to the midnight premiere of the "much-anticipated, movie of the year", renting a movie from Redbox (which is usually what I do), or popping microwave popcorn and watching that stack of movies you've been wanting to watch with your friends or family-- movies are probably the best way to pass the time, anytime.

That brings me to some of my favorite movies of 2013. These movies aren't really in a particular order, just in the order they come to mind.

1. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

This is one of the movies that I put in the "long anticipated" category, but in Catching Fire's case, the movie's director and producers knew that the best way to get people to want to see the movie as much as they did was to not make it that long-anticipated movie; they started filming Catching Fire before The Hunger Games was even released! This movie portrayed the book accurately in my opinion. Of course, some details weren't included, but when it comes down to it, they fit the book into 146 minutes pretty well.

2. Now You See Me

I felt like its been so long since I've seen this movie. I really like this movie because it was really intricate and I really didn't know what was going to happen most of the time. Although this movie was fast-paced and action-packed, I don't think I would love it as much if I watched it over and over because the best part about that movie was that you didn't know what was happening. Watching it again and knowing what would happen, just wouldn't bring the same excitement.

3. Fast and Furious 6

When I watched this, I didn't think that I would like this movie. This movie was an action packed adventure that had a good amount of humor thrown into it. This movie left me at a cliffhanger, and I definitely want to see the next movie.

4. Frozen

Well, this movie exceeded the kind of low expectations I had for it. I wouldn't have seen it if it weren't for my younger brother. This movie was one of the better animation films I've seen from Disney (as well as Tangled). The characters grew on me during the movie, I have to admit. I swear, I never thought that Prince Hans was going to literally try and kill Ana (plot twist ok). It was a cute movie, and I definitely loved Olaf and how the characters developed throughout the movie

5. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to describe this movie. It was more like a giant picture book, with some dialogue to describe what was going on. His adventure to find the missing negative helped him to find out how he was and what he wanted to do. Turns out, what he was looking for all along was with him the entire time; both metaphorically and literally. I think this movie was really hit and miss with the audience, but I definitely enjoyed it a lot.

It's not exactly a long list; probably because I didn't really go to the movie theaters a lot last year and whatever other movies I watched were probably from a few years ago. But there you have it! Hope you enjoyed this!


1 comment:

  1. This post actually made me laugh, especially when I got to the Prince Hans part. When Hans tried to kill Anna I was shocked too. I also really enjoyed Catching Fire and Now You See Me.
